Test your well water the safe and easy way with the Well eXact® EZ. You will be amazed at how effortless it is to achieve lab-quality, accurate results within seconds!
The Well eXact® EZ tests 5 important water quality parameters and uses our patented eXact Strips, a quick and easy reagent system for analysis. Simply dip an eXact Strip into the water sample for 20 seconds using a gentle back and forth motion, discard the strip, and read the results instantaneously.
No need for a smart device - the unit operates independently and stores the last 20 results for each parameter/menu.
Tests for
1. pH 6.4-8.4
2. Iron 0.0-8.0 ppm
3. Nitrate 0.0-32 ppm
4. Total Alkalinity 10-200 ppm
5. Total Hardness 60-600 ppm
Compact design
Operates with 4 x AAA batteries (not included)
Easy to use
No calibration needed
Waterproof IP-67 and it floats
Patented technology
2 Year Warranty
Comes as Meter Only or as of pre-configured kits.
Well eXact® EZ Professional Kit (486203-K2)
The professional kit now includes the NEW eXact® pH+ Smart Meter system which capitalizes on electrochemistry technology combined with Bluetooth connectivity.
Pre-configured kit comes with exactly whats needed to start testing (excluding app software). Packed in a rugged and durable plastic case with secure fasteners and padded compartments.
Kit includes:
- Standard blue plastic carrying case with foam includes:
- Well eXact® EZ Photometer
- eXact pH+ Smart Meter System (pH, TDS, Temperature, Conductivity, Salinity)
- Cleaning brush
- Instruction manual
- Calibration Key
- 1 pouch of pH buffer 4 & 7
25 tests of each:
- Total Alkalinity
- Iron
- Nitrate
- Total Hardness